I made the stained glass quilt after piecing scraps of similarly coloured fabric into large swatches of new ‘fabric’ on a Singer Featherweight that I had just found at an antique shop.

I made the little night scene as a baby-sized companion quilt to Sprawl.

Miniature Quilts

The small patchwork below was made while I was sorting through my mom’s fabric stash (if ‘stash’ can imply obsessive quantities) and deciding what i wanted to keep for myself, or donate to charity. I set aside these tiny prints and spent an afternoon figuring out how to make as small a quilt as I could using the correct techniques scaled down to miniature. Art therapy!

The other set of quilts were “postcard” quilts I made and donated to a charity auction. They’re meant to be a stacked triptych.

Deconstructed Quilts

Here’s a few more quilts that we lay under these days. These were made with my mom, using two similar processes – where you essentially deconstruct a large-print fabric on the repeat, and reassemble the fabric into spiralesque units using the cuts from the repeat (if that makes any sense). neither of these quilts are original designs, since i was following instructions to make them. but still, I chose the fabrics, and the arrangements, and i still love them even if they are not wholly born from my brain.

Beginner Quilts

These are some of my early quilts.