Tara K Wells is a Maritime Canadian artist and designer. Her multidisciplinary art practice includes new media installations, animations, prints, drawing, kinetic and static sculptures, and most recently, quilts. She is also a graphic designer, an illustrator, and a fabric surface designer.
In her efforts to make as small a dent on the planet as possible, she prefers to work with recycled materials, or as she likes to say: breaking down the broken-down and building with the bits.
Many of the things she makes are animated in some way or another, and are often rooted in a strong sense of play.
She has had several gallery and festival exhibitions of her installation works, and her animations have been screened around the world.
Tara has thankfully received support from her family, Struts Gallery & Faucet Media Arts, the Owens Art Gallery, several grants from the New Brunswick Arts Board, and one from the Canada Council… and was surprisingly long-listed for the Sobey Art Prize in 2009. go figure!
She was married to the swellest of fellas, and she shares her home with the fondest memories of him, a few spiders and a whole heap of stuff.
As a descendant of European emigrants, Tara is thankful to have spent the majority of her life living within the beautiful, unsurrendered territories of the Wabanaki Confederacy (wela’lioq & woliwon). She has had the privilege of spending the last few decades living and working in Sackville, New Brunswick – the Mi’kma’ki district of Siknikt – where she enjoys the winds, birds and flowers that surround her.
need to make a face mask?
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looking for a print designer?
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thanks for visiting, and have a swell day.